In this article, we will explain to help you understand the most accurate concept of total seo service, thereby that helps you roll out seo plan in a positive delivery. A good direction of seo brings high efficiency to your seo project.
First of all, the definition of total seo needs to be revealed: what exactly is total seo? Total SEO is a seo strategy focused on the entire website, it targets to most seo groups of keywords related to the products and services that website owner is selling or providing to market. Total SEO is much different from separate keywords, where some keywords only comes out.

Our total seo service package of do not basically limit the number of keywords you need to get to the top of Google. However, in order to focus on the right market segmentation you want to target, we recommend a seo project should be containing around 30-50 keywords. Of course, if your business is large-scale or multidisciplinary businesses, and you offer a lot of products and services at the same time, the number of keywords need to be rolled out will be more than around 30 to 50 keywords.
Unlike cheap seo services, just focused on a certain keyword group and the number of keywords will be limited, just about 10 keywords. Total SEO is not only a keyword ranking improvement but also website structure optimization. It helps your website optimize to be more friendly to search engines and users.
In sum, total seo = optimization + keyword ranking, all keywords related to the product or service that a businessman is offering.
In terms of advantages, it is clear that total seo service package contains so many benefits compared to cheap seo service package. If you determine a long-term business strategy, want to develop a long-term and stable website, you should use our total seo service package.
With our total seo service at you will have a true quality service. Our SEO team has many years of experiences in SEO, going through many ups and downs from Google’s algorithm updates. We understand seo very well and we know what to do best for our customers. The goal is not only to get keywords to the top of Google but also to build up the long-term stable development of customers’ website. We commit to help your website live all the long way with any change of Google algorithms. Thereby, our seo service is your best friend and the most useful channel to attract customers both medium and long term for you.
For more details about our seo service packages, pls contact us
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